Do y’all ever just try flapping your wings or moving a tail or something then remember
Looking For Those Willing To Help
Hey everybody,
So I’m a practicing witch of almost 13 years, started pretty young. Well anyways one of my I guess “gifts” that’s not even the right word, better worded I excel in helping others find their past lives, and learning to travel through their own door with control. Well anyways one of the things I’ve been working on to help my practice is how our birth, blood type (and other aspects but I don’t wan to go into much detail) have pattern behavior in our past life, just a theory of course but the only problem is I don’t have resources to otherkin and part of my theory has a lot to do with that. I would love to meet those willing to help and give some details into their otherkinness. These things would include and are not limited to behavior, abilities, birth chart (I’ll do the hard work with it), and so on. If you have made it this far high five! If anyone would be interested in helping me out I would love that. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and consider doing so.
what am I?
ok so idk what i am and just wierd… i swim wierd …. funny things happen when i sing.. i get wierd dreams… i get hyper when the suns down and i get a longing for blood…. also i have wird fang-like teeth….. please help!… i mean i feel more…. fish? but i have physical …. non human abilitys ig… hard to exsplain….please help
Alright, so I’ve never really given otherkin much thought, but recently, I’ve felt “wings” of some sort even though they aren’t there. When I think about the “wings” moving, I can feel them go through the air. I can also feel people walking “through” them, and when I think of them wrapping around me, it’s like I’m enveloped in a billowing warmth that I can’t explain. So, last thing, whenever I feel a breeze, the only thing I want to do is start flying, and I can’t explain it, like an instinct that has been lost over millennia. Does anyone know anything that might help?
Seeking Like-Minded Others
Hi Everyone,
I’m new to this, so I’m not sure what, exactly, I am. I only know that I am different from most others I meet and do not feel like Earth is my home. I’m well educated in science, so feeling this way contradicts most of what I’ve studied. I’ve felt this way for a while but always tried to rationalize or dismiss it. However, I recently had a spiritual awakening, and as a result, I can no longer ignore my feelings.
I would love to chat with like-minded others, so long as you don’t mind my undefined typology.
Seeking others
Greetings everyone, I just wanted to say thank you for all who are reading and gathering on this site to talk with fellow kin. I have known I was kin since a every young age, but have never came out to the public, as it would put my life in danger, as well to affect the relationship with the ones I have closest to me. Do to this matter, I have finally decided to talk to people in the kin community online, and possibly gain some knowledge. As I continue my journey in this, I am having trouble finding others like me and communicating with them. I live in the state of Louisiana, where there are (that I know of) no one in the kin community (or even therians for that matter) that live near me. As individuals who have been in contact with different kin types more than I have, I would ask for some possible guidance. Just some questions I have on my mind that would help me sleep better at night if I knew the answers, or possible probability. Thank you once again for reading over this post and I hope the ones reading this have a wonderful season.
- Hello everyone. In this life my name is Jacob. I’m a hybrid of human & dragon. In my past life I was a pure dragon named Zorin where I had a wife & three kids. While I was Zorin the world was divided into humans & dragons. I was one of the few who tried to unite the 2 races. However, I died before I was able to see that happen & now I’m a hybrid. I can feel my wings, tail, & horns even though they’re gone. I’m just trying to find people like me.
Seeking a soulmate
Hi 🙂 in this life my name is Alyssa, but my spirits name is Saphira (not Sapphira), and im a nymph-witch hybrid. I feel most at home when swimming or floating in the water, i love wildlife and they love me. Im not sure what kind of nymph i am, as i have traits of a water nymph and a storm nymph (i think thats what its called??), i know far more about my witch lineage. Originally im a nymph (in case i havent said that enough yet 😂) and about 100 years ago i started being born into this lineage of witches. My lineage is of healers. My grams could heal plants and restore the recently deceased plants, my mother (in this life) has a healing touch (passive), and i work with auras. Also im new to this site so idk how pm’s or anything work. Msg me tho if you’re interested 🙂 oh and also, im pansexual.
Seeking Pack Members (CT/NY)
Hi all! Malachai here, alpha of the Green Flash Pack. We are currently seeking new members in the CT/NY area, and are scheduling a meetup sometime within the next month. To join, just visit our website! There, you will find all the information on our pack, all the information on our current members (myself and Rainer), the pack rules and standards, our discord server, tumblr, and instagram, and the application form, which you should fill out. We hope you join us!
Hearth welcome
A hearth for those of mythic heart
Fae-born, Elf-souled, from Otherworld,
Of dragons’ power, angels’ grace,
Chimaeric beasts of eld,
Shifting folk of fur and tail,
Spirits of the living Green,
Of shadows or celestial light,
Tribe of Danu, Aes Sidhe–
A hearth:
For those who walk ‘midst humankind
Oft times unseen, sometimes ill used,
Who know they are of Other kind;
And for such friends as they may choose–
A hearth:
Where may enchanted mead be drunk
In sparkling light of Under-Hill
And peace beneath the stars be found
For those who enter with good will.
Shine forth the ancient Dreaming of the Earth!
Be lit the hearth!
Hi! I’m new here.
Hey Everyone, I’m Neoshie, or Noe. I’m a brown bear and a wolf. Not a hybrid, I’m one or the other. I am not sure why or how or what may trigger the switch from Neo the Bear to/from Neo the Wolf, but it happens. I am Neo the Bear more than Neo the Wolf. I’m 30 years old. I’m secretly otherkin. In day to day life, I’m a mother, wife and soon to be MET student. I’m hoping to find some really good friends here. In real life I have a difficult time making and keeping friends because either they stop enjoying my company or I hate them after a few days. I have a anxiety companion animal too who is in training to be a service dog. His name is Bo.
Hi there!
Hello! My name is Sam, and I am a hybrid. I had my awakening recently, and I’m really fresh to this. I’m both a Siberian tiger, and a buck. I go by male pronouns and am really out going. I’m from redding California, and would maybe like to find some friends in or around my area to help me figure out these new emotions, and lifestyle. I started out as a furry, still am, but I feel more connected to my Tiger side. My chosen name is Horne, you can call me H.
I have linked memories, and experiences. I have had lucid dreams of stalking pray, or walling through snow, feeling the chill of it in my paws, and the dripping off blood from a fresh kill, and so much strength. I can feel it clawing to get out, I love to sit in the sun, and enjoy neck and back rubs the most.
If there’s anyone who can further explain everything and try and help me understand, don’t be afraid to message me, thanks!
A conversation if you will.
I was on a website like this a long time ago when i was starting to awaken, amd that seems so far away from where i am now and what ive learned about the worlds and reality, not just myself. But the community still seems so scientific and logic based and full of hypocrits. Doesnt anyone dream anymore? Cant we just dream and be children a little while longer? Thays what i needed when i was 13, but nobody would give it to me. But as a man of 23, having remembered a great deal of my past and who i have been, i dont mind letting others dream, i want you to think and dream, because its those dreams, that help you remember who you were and help you know who you need to be.
Don’t think I’ll lie and just let you be happy with your dreams though, the world is harsh, and i will tell you my truths, and what i have learned, it is up to you to disagree and ponder them if you wish, nothing i say is finite, it is simply my belief, it is the answers i have found, and i have searched with others to find.
- Tell me your dreams, and i will tell you mine, i have lived a very long time and have a lot of them to tell. A thousand faces, a thousand names, i will do what i can to help, less i be just a voice in the wind.
Dreams vs Reality, Something I Hope Helps.
Read Carefully This is Not a Joke.
**I am not selling anything or spamming!!**
I have been wondering if you all would indulge me a moment? As you all know since I am on this site I am a anthro. Like you all I have fantasies and ambitions in so many shades of grey in various areas of life and being furry or Anthro is one of them. There really is no way for me to ease into what about to say so I am just going to say it. I am curious, if I told you about a path about physically changing into your anthro persona would you listen? Or call bullshit without trying? Well that’s what I want to find out. This path I speak of is not limited to your imagination at all, nor your desire to experience being the animal or anthro you envision. You can do anything with this knowledge, anything. I know, you probably think wholly shit we got a nut job on our hands close the thread and ban hammer this asshole. My friends, I have been studying spirituality, occult, mysticism, religion, etc., for 17 years, and they all taught me a lot. But the path I speak off has no name and transcends flesh, mind, and soul. I want to give the anthro community this knowledge because I feel your community is open enough to see the various truths, I say this from a perspective of soul expansion. Not just because I am into this stuff too. I feel people who feel so strongly about their dreams would like to live out these fantasies and make them into reality, of course I would prefer within reason, common sense, equality, and honor. Without wasting your time anymore let me get to the point. I want to introduce one tidbit of chakra info with you. This meditation takes a total of 10-15 minutes and it opens your third eye just above your eye’s in the center of your forehead, when its open you will FEEL IT. Like someone put their fingers and pressed against your forehead. Now I would encourage anyone reading to look up on google the chakra system and third eye. Research the third eye because this is the exercise I am going to give to you. I REALLY encourage you look up the chakras and third eye and I will guide you through more should you desire. I want to make something clear, I am not telling you this information or pushing it for nefarious purposes, I am not out for your soul or anything asinine like that. I just want to be around like minded who can perform the impossible rather than dream it. I wish to start teaching, and learning at the same time from those I teach. I feel a peaceful Anthro society is but one interest of yours, and its true I don’t know you. But I want to. If none of this does not feel right for you I insist you trust your instincts and not read further. My motivation for doing this is I want to be around people who are of anthro mentality and can do the impossible, I want this network of like-minded anthro’s to participate in a hive energy network in order to make each other stronger and speed up the evolution of body/mind/soul, I wish to start teaching what I know, I wish to learn, I wish to help, I wish to shake-up a little the human experience, and so much more. The planet and certain groups of people are starting to awaken to their true selves during an on-going process known as ascension, whether anyone likes it or not. Without explaining and google at your finger-tips I suggest you look this up. To put it bluntly, it’s a refinement process that happens when your alive that prepares you for the higher realms example, “heaven”. Jesus went through this as did buddha and so many other truth seekers. I will explain all this and more should this forum not only allow this thread but if its members interact with this thread. Control (Darkness) and Freedom (Light) are two necessary components for existence. I can teach all this and more. You don’t have to follow me or listen to me, but at least consider it for yourself. As mentioned below you will find an exercise that is for the awakening of your third eye. This is permanent! It just doesn’t disappear after done! The third eye is but one of seven major chakras in your body going along your spine, there is in fact many chakras. The major seven, the major auxiliary chakras then minors. In fact, they are infinite but awaking one starts the process for others. The third eye is called what it is because it’s the window to your soul and mind. It is the seat of psychic ability and your power. So, make sure you want this in your heart!
Warning: This Meditation is permanent! Once you feel a pressure on your brow this does not just go away, it will pulsate every now and then until the end, but you decide if you end, the reason is because energy is circling and spinning! You woke up your third eye and 6th chakra in the center of your head. This path of enlightenment will follow until all chakras are open and complete! This means even in reincarnation! It will follow you forever until you achieved your true self whatever that may be! Also with ascension there is growing pains that can make you feel like your losing your mind, dying, sick, cannot relate to people, places, or things the same way. I strongly encourage you to look up ascension symptoms as this will also give you important info. I want to make sure if you do this you understand the demanding nature of this path. But trust me it’s worth it!
The exercise: Third Eye and 6th chakra Meditation
- Get into a cross-legged position with your hands resting at your side’s or on your kneecaps. Make sure your back is straight and you are comfortable. Sit in a yoga position.
- Close your eyes and “GENTLY” look up towards the middle of your forehead. Like your eyes are both connecting to one point. One from the left and one from the right vertically looking towards the center of your forehead. Do this gently and do not strain your eyes! I know this sounds dumb but trust me it’s necessary.
- Now, being completely calm focus without strain on this point in the middle of your forehead and count backwards from 100 to 0 normal speed while knowing that the focus from your eyes is directing your energy to this spot and it’s going to awaken your third eye and in turn your 6th chakra as well in the center of you head. The color of this energy point is indigo, or dark purple, for better color reference look it up. You will know if you have success when you feel a pressure in the center of your forehead and head. If this does not work the first time keep trying, remember being calm is a necessary. It took me two tries’ when I first did it 17 years ago.
- If all the above went well then congratulations you woke up a portion of your true self and infinite power. You will feel activity in your forehead quite often after this but rest assured it is normal and you are ok. Each chakra has an organ or gland that represents it on the physical, for the third eye it’s the pineal gland in your brain.
Why have I chosen the anthro community? I chose you and this community because while people may think you’re crazy, your actually not! I don’t say this from a position that you are lucky to come across me and my power, knowledge, and wisdom, no I am not a self-righteous bastard, I say this because I feel it’s a right you all should have. I am also aware of the fact that there are some of you who practice magic and that’s great, so I am not implying your uneducated. You are a part of an ever-expanding consciousness of this ascension process and all kinds abnormal things are happening to people. Your desire to be something else like an anthro is normal. Eternity is big lol, so everything and anything is possible let me show you the door if you don’t know it. You’ve shown your courageous enough to be yourself let me show you your own power to expand on that. In doing so I will benefit from the same, there is more I need to learn and I feel this is the best path for me and others. I don’t like being so bold, but like Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” He was referring to his teachings. In this day and age, the truth is out there for all you to grab and this saying will not hold truth ever again in the way it used to. The only problem is a quote from myself “A few truths lead to many lies.” The information out there can be tampered with, or completely inaccurate. Reply to this post and ask question I will answer when able, or question this thread I am open to critics. I simply ask, will you join me on this journey? Thanks for reading, hopefully you find this insightful or laughable! 😊 Thanks!
My Otherkin Story
Hello my name is fluffy I am a fox therian. I decided to join this website after Shiro kicked me off kinmunity for believing in physical shifting which I have a feeling might be very hypocritical since I heard shiro and I quote say “The country’s laws doesn’t apply to kinmunity.” which makes me wonder if he might be hiding something but anyways. I also have extreme beef with the admins of kinmunity so don’t even get me started on that. On top of that some of the people from kinmunity are a little or should I say extremely crazy once when you get to know them as well as I did.
So enough of me ranting about my beef with kinmunity I found out I was a fox therian after I did numerous different guided meditations each resulting in me seeing a fox as my theriotype. At first I didn’t believe it which is why I tried it many times after a while it finally clicked with me “This is real.”
My family doesn’t think non humans exist which is why I wish I could educate humans about non humans. I swear I feel like a character from X-Men the way I just worded that but anyways. I want to change the world and make it a much better place.
Now what got me into the otherkin community was one day I decided I wanted to be a werewolf. Not a werefox like I do now but a werewolf. I think the reason for that was I was a furry at the time and that was my fursona. I met these people on this very strange website that were complete lunatics. They thought they were gods (believe me I have ran into more people like that way too often. Very strange I know.) I fell for them because they seemed very able to manipulate me with there charm. The happiest day of my life was when they blocked me on social media. It just drove me crazy how much they would bother me everyday and how I wouldn’t realize it. They told me they were werewolves and they killed bad werewolves. Long story short I think they were in a cult. I can’t believe it wasn’t I who blocked them first lol. Anyways I then joined kinmunity because I was experiencing phantom shifts anyways that is all. Thanks!!!
O God (a poem) (Yes, it’s about fallen angel otherkin.)
O God
what is this thing
that has crept from depths below
that we in wisdom call hate
O God
who is this child
that stands before me
and laughs
to scorn my wicked fate
O God
what is this punishment
for the crime
of which you remain silent
and guilt me of my wrong
O God
What is this emotion
that I fear is sinful
of which you never taught me
of being unable yet yearning, to
So today started out fairly normal. But at 11:30 I felt an odd feeling in my head, i felt like someone was tring to talk to my. By 11:35 The voice was audible, he said he was called Kothoran, and that he was here to guid and help me. We where able to communicate and talk with eachother. We asked eachother questions and had a genral descition, hed said durning this that id have to find things out myself. I asked if i would get to see him and he said once he feels im ready. Apparently his using a dragon statue i was given to talk with me, which made sence as all this started apon receving it. Im not enterly sure what to do but im happy knowing Kothoran is there with me
Mother Dragon?
So my latest “vision”. I saw a huge sea-blue scaled dragon upon some sort of ledge, just like me she had white hair but hers ran down her spine and tail, she looked at me, smiling. She them seemed to talk to me but I couldnt hear her. She let out a short burst of flame and the vision faded to black. It all repeated once more before toing for good. I seem to recal and feel a sence of her being my mother
Wow …
So i just experienced something amazing, ill explain what i saw. A turquoise body that smoothly transitions to a pearl blue with spine feathers that match. A white moheaken like hair, a long snout and from the side a narrow yet long face. Large wings but i couldnt get the details of his wings or tail
He was flying at spead through a deep blue sky, just above cloud level. Iv drempt this countless times in first person view but iv never seen him/me before. Im new to most of this and was wondering if you had thoughts/advice