New, unsure, hello!

I am 100 percent new to even the idea of this. Someone mentioned to me to check out this community because I’ve always felt out of sync with people. Also and this may sound really bad but don’t take it that way I’ve always said in my head exactly like this that I feel “above” Humans like that and never really though of the ramifications of that ,as if saying I’m not Human again don’t take it wrong. Anyway just exploring possibilities and im ridiculously open minded so hello and I hope to meet some of you at some point !

3 thoughts on “New, unsure, hello!”

  1. Contact me with this email…(aliyaalobeidi2 @ gm ail. com)

    Hello dear,my name is Aliya,
    it is a great pleasure to write you after viewing your profile
     i will be very happy if you can write me through my
    email for easiest communication and for me to send you my picture for
    you to know whom i am,remember distance or color does not matter but
    what matters in life is love,my email address is
    (aliyaalobeidi2 @ gm ail. com),i will be waiting to hear from you,aliya.

  2. Don’t feel bad for feeling that way. You aren’t the only one. In the grand scheme of things, humanity can seem basic and “small” compared to an older soul. There’s no shame in coming to that logical conclusion. Embrace your differences and, even if only in the safety of your own mind, transcend the human condition.

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