Seeking Like-Minded Others


Hi Everyone,

I’m new to this, so I’m not sure what, exactly, I am. I only know that I am different from most others I meet and do not feel like Earth is my home. I’m well educated in science, so feeling this way contradicts most of what I’ve studied. I’ve felt this way for a while but always tried to rationalize or dismiss it. However, I recently had a spiritual awakening, and as a result, I can no longer ignore my feelings.

I would love to chat with like-minded others, so long as you don’t mind my undefined typology.



2 thoughts on “Seeking Like-Minded Others”

  1. Contact me with this email…(aliyaalobeidi2 @ gm ail. com)

    Hello dear,my name is Aliya,
    it is a great pleasure to write you after viewing your profile
     i will be very happy if you can write me through my
    email for easiest communication and for me to send you my picture for
    you to know whom i am,remember distance or color does not matter but
    what matters in life is love,my email address is
    (aliyaalobeidi2 @ gm ail. com),i will be waiting to hear from you,aliya.

  2. Hi there. Nice to meet you. I too am well educated in science (currently in grad school for quaternary paleoclimate stuff). I too an probably held down a bit by my analytical approach to life, I try to counter this by purposefully engaging in “magical thinking” in specific settings.

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