New here


I’m new to this site and am hoping to get to know some people who I can relate with. I want to be able to talk to people who understand (or are trying to understand) themselves and can help me accept this reality I’ve come to love and fear for years.

1 thought on “New here”

  1. Contact me with this email…(aliyaalobeidi2 @ gm ail. com)

    Hello dear,my name is Aliya,
    it is a great pleasure to write you after viewing your profile
     i will be very happy if you can write me through my
    email for easiest communication and for me to send you my picture for
    you to know whom i am,remember distance or color does not matter but
    what matters in life is love,my email address is
    (aliyaalobeidi2 @ gm ail. com),i will be waiting to hear from you,aliya.

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